Correctly sort out shirts
Maintaining a good wardrobe involves sorting out at least once a year what no longer fits and pleases us. This is the only way to make room for something new. A cluttered closet is not in keeping with the times – it’s enough to keep only what you like to wear, what looks good on you and what is still in good condition at the same time.
Which shirts should you keep, which ones should you discard? RIESENHEMD Hamburg would like to give you a few tips on this in the following, so that you can always show yourself from your best side. Because 70% of the impression we leave behind is shaped by appearances. Of course, you can also apply this method to other items of clothing…
Why should you sort out shirts?
Sort out shirts properly. It is a sign of style when the shirts you wear fit your body and are in good condition. If the shirt fits too tight or too wide, if the collar tips or the back collar area are badly worn, dirty or the sleeves are discolored under the axes, then such a shirt – no matter how expensive it once was – is no longer wearable.
RIESENHEMD Hamburg therefore recommends that you clean out your closet at least once a year, taking a close look at your shirts and sorting them out if necessary. If the shirts no longer please you, if they no longer fit properly, or if the condition is no longer in order, then it is time for action: You can have a shirt repaired or altered in cut by a tailor, you can clean it properly – or you can dispose of it.
According to a study by the trade journal TextilWirtschaft, German men have an average of 17 shirts in their closet, and also buy 5 new shirts per year – if you don’t sort out shirts regularly, your closet can quickly become full.
Our tips for efficient “spring cleaning in the closet” for shirts
There are three different questions you need to answer when looking at the shirts in your closet:
- Do I still like the shirt?
- Does the shirt still fit me?
- Is the shirt still in good condition?
How to find out from these questions whether you should discard the shirt, we have created a short infographic:
What if I don’t like the shirt anymore?
We all know this – an item that we bought with enthusiasm and then proudly wore for a while, is suddenly no longer so great in our eyes. An indication of this is that we have not worn a shirt for a year or more, although we had occasions.
Not really liking a shirt anymore is not reprehensible – but then you should sort it out. If the shirt is otherwise still okay, however, don’t throw it in the trash right away! Give it away, donate it, or sell it. Or lead the fabric to a new use, also called upcycling. Many in the world, also in our society, may be happy about pieces of clothing that can still be worn well, but no longer meet our taste.
RIESENHEMD Hamburg is a supporter of the Slow Fashion movement – garments are not a disposable product, but should remain in circulation for as long as possible. Therefore, please look for ways to not just throw the shirt in the trash. More information on how to properly dispose of old clothing can be found in a blog article by Resorti Of course, you can also try to sell the old clothes – an overview of this can be found at Stiftung Warentest
What if the shirt doesn’t fit me anymore?
There are various reasons for this – perhaps you have lost weight and the shirt is too loose? Or the shirt is too tight, because either the laundry was too hot or you have a little more kilos on the scale than before?
If the shirt is too wide, but otherwise still impeccable and you like it, then a tailor can remedy the situation – to tighten a shirt is not very costly. Unfortunately, the other way around is not possible – to widen a shirt is not possible. This shirt should then be sorted out / donated / sold.
By the way, a tailor can turn any long-sleeved shirt into a short-sleeved shirt that can then be worn well in the summer months. This as a small hint, if the cuffs are worn or stained, but the shirt is otherwise still in top order.
What if the shirt does show clear signs of wear?
Shirts are mostly made of fine fibers. Through washing and use, these fibers break down and the fabrics of the shirts become worn.
According to the latest test of business shirts by Stiftung Warentest (Test 09/2019), the first signs of aging start after about the 20th wash. You can see the first holes at the collar tips and bubbles on the cuffs.
If you do not wash the shirt properly, these signs appear sooner. To know how to wash and iron a shirt properly, we recommend our articles “Washing and drying shirts properly” and “Ironing and storing shirts properly“.
If the shirt is very damaged, it’s time to dispose of it. Again, the shirt doesn’t necessarily have to go in the trash can – there are great ideas for what you can do with old shirts (upcycling). For inspiration, feel free to check out our collection of photos in Pinterest -Shirt Upcycling if you sew yourself, or give the fabric to someone who loves to sew.
Holes and broken / missing buttons
Buttons can get broken or come off when you’re doing your shirt – but this alone is no reason to discard a shirt if it’s otherwise fine. Even small holes can be repaired. If you don’t want to do it yourself, go to a tailor you trust and ask if they can do the necessary work.
Stains on shirt
There are various products on the market against stains on clothes; some of them are aimed at specific types of stains (such as ink or grease stains), while others are rather broader in scope. You can find more info in the following articles, which we liked:
“Removing stains: what to consider when removing stains”.
“Remove sweat stains: thanks to these tips you will quickly get rid of sweat stains”.
If the stains do not go away despite careful washing, then you should discard the shirt.
And when there is space in the closet again – time for a new favorite shirt
We hope that our tips have helped you with the “spring cleaning” in the closet to sort out the shirts properly. And when you have created space in the closet again – what’s wrong with buying one of our great shirts, because new shirts always look great. Our shirts are designed for men of long stature (arm length 72 cm) – know our collection of shirts extra long made of high quality fabrics, carefully crafted and sustainably produced.
Shirts for tall men
Exquisite fabrics & with extra long sleeves (72 cm)